Newsletter Feedback

To get help us to improve on our newsletter and products, please fill the feedback form below.

Feedback Form
1. Your details:
Company name
Business nature
OEM CM Stockist/Trader
ODM Design House Others (please specify)
Country *
Name *
Email address *
Contact number
Fax number
2. Feedback details:
      The information in the Newsletter should be :-

         More Technical

         Less Technical

         The current level is fine

      Do you find the content informative ?
      Which of the following elements of the newsletter do you think could be improved ?
         Frequency of newsletter
         Others (please specify) 
      List the topics you would like to see contents in future issues of the newsletter:-
      If you like to forward us your inputs on any aspects of the newsletter not covered above,
      please use the space provided below :-
      Please contact me regarding the following matters
          DECLoop DECLoop 5000 IP-Max
          Network Planning Internet Access PBX
          Energy Meter Broadband
* Compulsory

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback.

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